Event vs. Installation
The Echoes servers can be reached 24/7. Which means you can make a soundwalk as an artwork in public space: accessible at all times by whoever is near it. In all of this guide we also considered your soundwalk a work of its own, only interacting with the audience and the surroundings.
However that’s certainly not the only approach chosen by users of Echoes. If you want you can turn your soundwalk into an event or a performance, where you not only set out the route, but also what (and whom?) the walkers encounter along the way. There might be bits of scenography you placed in the surroundings, live performances at certain spots or physical objects to find. There might be a guide to actively walk with the audience, or you might want to gather the walkers in groups before they set off. Perhaps the soundwalk is the pre--show or first act to a bigger theatrical project. You can use the 3D audio function to set out hot / cold clues for a treasure hunt or create a dance floor in a strange location for an Echoes-powered silent disco. So while the soundwalk in itself can be a very powerful medium with endless possibilities you can combine it with other artforms to give you even more possibilities.