An echo is a geofenced zone or a stopping point on a tour - you can choose the one that suits your type of walk better. Each echo can contain a number of elements which have media (usually sound) attached to them, as well as having a title, description and cover image. This content can then be triggered in the Explorer mobile app when a user physically gets inside and triggers the geolocated response.
Echoes can be circles or polygons. Polygons allow more flexibility with triggering, but circles allow you to use spatialization (getting louder towards the centre).
There are a few additional echoes settings options:
Hide player
stops the user from manually playing or pausing the sound.
Hide zone
hides the zone from the map, so users can’t see it or bring up details.
Trigger type
there are three options:
- location - triggers when the user's GPS is within the boundary.
- logic - triggers when the user's GPS is within the boundary, and all the logic conditions are fulfilled.
- beacon - triggers when an iBeacon matching the supplied configuration is within the 'proximity trigger distance'.
About logic
We provide the opportunity to control 'triggering' of a zone with logic. GPS acts as the trigger, but only when conditions are fulfilled. The following options control how the triggering works
Logic type
OR means any listed condition could be fulfilled in order to trigger AND means all listed conditions must be fulfilled in order to trigger
- Echo has played - the specified echo(es) must have played all the way through at least once.
- Echo has triggered - the specified echo(es) must have been triggered
- Echo has not played - the specified echo(es) must not have played all the way through
- Echo has not triggered - the specified echo(es) must not have been triggered