About walks
A walk is an audio walk, tour or any other experiences you create that contains a number of "stops" - Echoes. You can set a title, description and cover image for each walk.
Once you publish a walk anyone will be able to see, download and use it in the Echoes Explorer mobile app. We strongly recommend you write a good description of your creation and set a cover image, as this will greatly increase your exposure. You can spread the word about your piece (we even generate a unique QR code for each walk). You can also charge for your content. Get in touch with us to set this up.
There are a number of options you can set on a walk:
Publish status
controls whether the walk is visible in the app.
- draft means it's invisible, apart from under 'walks by me' when you're signed in.
- private means it can be shared, but won't appear in listings or searches.
- public means it is visible in lists and searches everywhere.
you can control which 'views' your walk uses. By default, the 'map' and 'list' view are active. There are three options, and you can reorder them by dragging.
- map - the main map view, showing all the zones.
- list - a list of all zones, with all text and images, with manual playback options.
- immersive - a large play button with a visualisation of the zones. Great for when you want an immersive listening experience.